Out of the loop

21 08 2009

You may have noticed that I haven’t posted in a couple of weeks. We have finally moved house after a very stressfull couple of months and an extremely stressfull couple of weeks where we didn’t know whether we were moving or not.
But we finally moved last Friday and had to get all the stuff shifted in one day which seriously left me more exhausted than I was in the marathon.
My running has suffered a bit as well and i didn’t run at all last week, but the physical lifting i did made up for it a bit.
I finally managed to get a run in this morning from the new house which is only 1 minute from the Lagan, so my new 4 mile loop is much more picturesque.
Looks like I wont have internet connection for about a week so the next podcast will have to wait till then.
Just thought i’d let you all know that i’m still here.